Suwałki is a city situated in Podlaskie Province, north-eastern Poland, on the river Czarna Hańcza, in the proximity of the borders with Lithuania, Russia and Belarus. Suwałki is a city with district rights, the seat of the rural district and commune. The city covers the area of 65.5 km2 and is inhabited by ca. 70 thousand people. It is the second, after Białystok, largest city of the Podlaskie Province.
The activities of the local authorities are focused on the economic development of the city.
With our inhabitants and investors in mind, the infrastructure of the city and its local land utilization plans are systematically developed and extended. The grounds potentially attractive for investors are mostly covered by the elaborated local land utilization plans.
Entrepreneurs will find in Suwałki serviced plots ready for investment, qualified workforce and allowances in the form of tax relief and administrative support (e.g. Suwałki Special Economic Zone and Science and Technology Park Poland-East).

Republic of Lithuania | Budzisko — 28 km; Ogrodniki — 43 km; Trakiszki — 33 km (a railway crossing) |
Republic of Belarus | Kuźnica Białostocka — 125 km |
Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation | Gołdap — 68 km |
Kaunas-Karmelava Airport, Lithuania | 138 km |
Vilnius Airport, Lithuania | 200 km |
F. Chopin Airport in Warsaw, Poland | 297 km |
- avorable geographical location of the city: near the borders with Lithuania, Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation and Belarus, on important transport routes,
- attractive investment offer of the serviced investment plots in the Suwałki Special Economic Zone,
- functioning of the Science and Technology Park Poland-East tax reliefs and exemptions for entrepreneurs,
- pro-development policy of the city authorities,
- well educated and relatively cheap labour force,
- tax reliefs and exemptions for entrepreneurs offered by the City of Suwałki,
- rich educational offer of the local secondary and tertiary technological schools,
- open and friendly attitude of the city authorities towards potential investors.
Science and Technology Park Poland-East is composed of: The Technology Incubator, the Conference Centre, Hall of Logistic and Production Processes and a complex of laboratories: Chemical Product Research Laboratory, Medical Laboratory, Renewable Energy Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory.
The Technology Incubator consists of the reception hall and different sized office rooms that can be utilized as spaces for companies at different stages of their development. It offers for entrepreneurs convenient conference rooms and full social infrastructure.
The Park directs its offer, first of all, to enterprises connected with advanced technologies.
Suwałki Special Economic Zone (SSEZ) is one of the fastest developing economic areas in Poland with one of the best infrastructures in the country.
While implementing a new investment in the territory of the Suwalki city with district rights, an entrepreneur may benefit from an exemption in income tax based on the decision on support.The new investment means:
· Establishment of a new enterprise
· Increasing production capacity
· Introduction of new products (diversification of production)
· Change of a production process
· Purchase of assets belonging to a facility that has been closed down or would be closed down had such purchase not been made, whereas the assets shall be purchased by an entrepreneur who has no connection with the seller whatsoever and a purchase of solely stocks or shares of the enterprise shall be excluded;
Amount of the public aid (THE HIGHEST STATE AID IN THE COUNTRY) - exemption from CIT or PIT - amounts to:
50% in the case of large enterprises
60% in the case of medium-sized enterprises
70% in the case of small-sized and micro-sized enterprises
of incurred eligible costs.
The decision on support of a new investment on private and public grounds is issued by SUWALSKA SPECJALNA STREFA EKONOMICZNA S.A. [SUWAŁKI SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE JOINT STOCK COMPANY]